Establishing your new routine


Congratulations to everyone for making it a full five weeks into the Shelter in Place. By now, we have established our new "normal". This looks a little different for everyone, but hopefully includes a new hobby or two. I baked sourdough bread for the first time and am happy to report that my first loaf was edible. My second attempt not so much...

About two weeks into the SIP, real estate was deemed an essential service but it did not mean business as usual. Like many industries, real estate has adapted in several ways. We, as agents, want to serve our clients the best we can while doing all we can to keep everyone safe. Here is a look at our new normal.

1. It is recommended that all showings be virtual. If that is not feasible, only one agent and maximum two buyers from the same household may tour with gloves, masks, and sanitizing wipes. In-person showings are only allowed at vacant homes. There are no public open houses or broker tours.

2.  Several new disclosure documents have been created by the California Association of Realtors in response to the Coronavirus. These forms are meant to help us navigate listings, showings and escrows during this unprecedented time.

3. The real estate market has slowed down but is still active. Many new listings are becoming available off-market. 

I would love to know what is helping you during Shelter in place. What is the best part of your new routine?  Please send along your favorite recipes, online classes, gardening tips, etc. I would love to connect.

Hope you're staying healthy & positive,

 x Michela